Frequently Asked Questions
What are common problems related to enteral therapy?
Here is a brief list of some common problems associated with tube feeding:
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Stomach Upset
- Dehydration
- Fluid Overload
- Aspiration
If you are experiencing any of these issues, be sure to talk to your physician.
How do I store my formula?
Unopened formula containers should be store in a dry area that is not exposed to temperature extremes. DO NOT expose to freezing temperatures or excessive heat.
Ready-to-feed opened formula can be stored up to 24-hours in the refrigerator.
Can I give myself medication through my tube?
Yes, however, please check with your physician to get specific instructions before doing so.
How do I order formula and supplies?
The Upstate HomeCare Enteral Team will reach out to you monthly to review supplies on hand. Formula and supplies are delivered to your home by our delivery staff or they are shipped via UPS if the address is outside our immediate delivery area.
In the event you are running low, please call our staff 2 days prior to needing more supplies at 877-286-0800 extension 6058.
How often can I receive a button?
This depends on your insurance coverage, however, most insurances reimburse for 1 button every three months.
What do I do if my button pops before I am due for another?
You should always have a G-tube on hand as a backup. Most insurances will reimburse for one G tube for every month they don’t receive a button.
Another option is to call the manufacturer of the button and report a failure.
The number for the Mic-Key Failure Line is 1-844-428-2667.
The number for the AMT Failure Line is 1-800-869-7382.
What do I do if my tube gets clogged?
Please reach out to your physician for assistance.
Patient Education Tools
Learn what to expect when you enter on service with our Enteral therapy. Find educational tools and videos here.
Patient Resource Links
Find support groups and learn more about the manufacturers of our enteral pumps and formulas.